Amazon phishing emails targeting Black Friday customers

Ibrahim Hosen Somrat , আপডেট করা হয়েছে : 30-08-2022

Amazon phishing emails targeting Black Friday customers

Scammers are playing on Amazon’s Black Friday sales by sending out emails purportedly from the company, saying there is a problem processing orders and that they won’t be shipped.

It adds that you won’t be able to access your Amazon account or place any orders until you confirm certain information. Naturally, there’s a link at the bottom of the email telling you to ‘confirm’ your account. Don't click it! It’ll take you to a fake website that looks very similar to the real Amazon site. When you enter your personal details, they’ll go straight to the scammers harvesting them.

Once you click the ‘Save & Continue button, you’ll automatically be redirected to the Amazon site so that you’re none the wiser. The fraudsters can use your newly-acquired details to make purchases in your name, and potentially use your information to open financial products in your name.

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