Identifying scams

Ibrahim Hosen Somrat , আপডেট করা হয়েছে : 30-08-2022

Identifying scams

Scams come in many different forms - email, phone call, letter, text message, or even with a knock at your door.

Although there are many different types of scam, they all rely on tricking the victim into thinking the scammer is trustworthy, is someone they really aren't, by playing on the victim's natural curiosity, naivety or desire to 'hope for the best', or by rushing them into making an unwise decision. Scammers aim to steal money or personal data, either directly or by tricking the victim into installing viruses or other 'malware' on their computers.  

Constant vigilance and skepticism are required, especially online, however cyber-street-wise and internet-savvy you think you may be. Of course, it isn't advisable (or perhaps even possible) to simply pull up the drawbridge, retreat into a world of paranoia and avoid ever being at risk of being scammed, but it is possible to learn how to identify - and thus avoid - potential scams.

Warning signs include:

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